how I can help you…
New! - at home programming
The developing situation surrounding COVID-19 has changed our day to day lives in many ways. With gyms being closed it is difficult to stay on track, and this is a challenge because most of us need fitness in our lives to stay sane, especially in times like this! You would be surprised by the quality of workout you are capable of in your own home with zero equipment. At home online programming is available at affordable rates, and with an easy to follow template with exercises explanations. The programs are designed with what you have at home in mind, and updated weekly based on feedback. If you do 3 weeks of programming, that’s 3 updates and you have those files for future use to to share with friends. Videos are available for exercises you need to see demonstrated, as well as regular chat via email, phone, or facetime with Mat to answer questions. Sign up through the contact section and stay moving through this stressful time.
3 weeks - $165 | 6 weeks - $300
10 weeks - $450 | Pay-per-week - $65
personal training
No matter what your goal, be it weight loss, athletic performance, powerlifting coaching, etc we offer the right kind of help. 1 on 1 personal training sessions with a trainer focused on your success are a much better approach to than seeking out information on the internet. Each individual is built differently and starting from a different point in their fitness journey, and it is important to have someone constantly adjusting the difficulty, demand, and style of your training sessions. Contact us to set up a consultation in order to get a better idea of what your training plan will look like.
1 session - $110 | 5 sessions - $105
10 sessions - $100 | 20 sessions - $90 | 30 sessions - $80
online programming
Here’s the thing about online programming, most of the time what you’re getting is a cookie cutter program that has been written for a hundred other people. You’re just paying for access to something that already exists. But you don’t have the same goals, the same body, or maybe any of the same variables that inspired that program to be written. These types of businesses often fall short of providing you with real value and giving you the tools to succeed. This is why our approach to online programming is totally customized for each person. Each program is written based on an in-person or video movement assessment, and updates are made based on the progress via video check ins to ensure you are getting a product and an experience that will actually help you reach your fitness goals!
6 weeks + 2 sessions OR video check-ins
$170 bi-weekly
12 weeks + 4 sessions OR video check-ins
$160 bi-weekly
20 weeks + 6 sessions OR video check-ins
$145 bi-weekly
all packages can be completely customized to suit your schedule, lifestyle, and fitness goals.
weeks and check-in sessions can be added or removed based on your needs!
fascial stretch therapy
Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) is a form of manual therapy that provides an alternative to deep tissue massage, chiropractic adjustments, physiotherapy etc. It is a relaxing yet effective style of hands-on therapy that targets your connective tissue (fascia) which surrounds muscle tissue, runs between it, and within it. By creating space in your joints through FST the results speak for themselves, and with an educated therapist who is also a trainer, a plan is given to you that will help ensure you retain the improvement you experience when you leave the table. If you're experiencing any kind of joint pain, muscle pain, soreness, or have constant movement inefficiencies we encourage you to give FST a try.